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Member Benefits

Why join CLOC?

When you join CLOC you become a part of a community where connections and support are just a click away. CLOC membership and law firm participation opens doors to new networking opportunities with legal operations peers, experts, and practitioners for every stage of your career and department growth.

Get started

Learn the basics and discover how legal operations can help you save time and money. Our training and education resources can get you started fast.

Find relevant resources

Our guidelines and member-authored best practices can change your business. Learn how to solve problems and address common needs.

Build your career

Develop and strengthen professional skills that will have an impact on your team and your career. Keep up with the latest innovations in legal operations. Access our exclusive database of legal operations opportunities.

Connect, engage and share

Access our global network of experts and practitioners to find the answers you need. Uncover your next great idea and find someone who can help. Share your time and ideas and help our community. Become a leader in the fastest-growing global legal operations community.

Get engaged

Participate in the fastest-growing global legal operations community. CLOC members engage, enable, and educate through thought leadership, committees, CLOC institutes to improve service delivery, increase efficiencies, and evolve the role of legal operations.

Attend an event

Find out why leaders across the industry have made the CLOC Institute the premier legal operations conference in the world. Our elite events feature the best known, most visionary innovators, and thinkers.

Tap into the power of the world's premier legal ops community

Join today for exclusive access to the people and tools that are shaping the future of the industry. Get best practices, get answers, create lasting connections, and access new professional opportunities. Build the cutting-edge skills that will allow you to stand out and advance your career.

Membership benefits

Member benefits Legal ops professionals Legal solutions professionals Free account
Access to select materials
Event and program discounts
Community Connect: Access to the online community forums
Community Connect: Legal ops professionals only forum
Discounted Career Center listing (20% off)
Solutions Directory: Explore tech solutions and get peer feedback
Discount on promoted listing in Legal Ops Solutions Directory (20% OFF)
Community Groups: interest and region based opportunities to connect
Leadership opportunities: regional and interest groups, committees, councils
Committee participation: work on projects with a team of industry peers
Industry data and analysis/reports

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